I want more every single day…and that’s OKAY.

I want to spend my entire life wanting more every single day…….but never lack anything.

     Some people would say that this makes me discontent with where I am. I’d disagree, I’d say it makes me completely content with what I am and where I am going. I’ve heard it said a lot in my life that you’re always growing, and never complete, you will never be perfect. To be real with you, I haven’t understood that for awhile, and I know most church goers are already on edge with me after saying that alone, so get ready cause there’s a whole lot more. 
     I want to grow, I love change and I love progression, without it I get tired and annoyed. However I want growth from a place of completeness, not from a place of lack. For so long I’ve heard growth taught from a perspective of lack.  I’ve heard, “you’re constantly growing, but not complete”. Well, here’s my thought. If I’ve been given the desire for it, then I’ve also been given the ability to attain it, whether or not I know it yet, it’s there. I want to be me in the fullest sense, and that’s who he created me to be, it’s who I am. I am Bre. And it’s shorting the cross of everything he died for if I’m not Bre. Bre is complete. Bre is full. She can’t not be, anything less would be lack and my God doesn’t create lack or imperfection and he created me.  Therefore, if I’m fully me, how could I ever be imperfect? Oh right there’s this thing called sin, that we put on a pedestal. 
When did we begin to believe the lie that the sin outside me is more powerful then the identity within me? 
Really guys, here’s the deal.  I see a generation of people who are coming out of religion and into freedom. Freedom. It’s a beautiful thing. But there’s still this mindset that you aren’t full and complete until you die. The cross happened 2013 years ago, it’s already done. The power of him has been put inside you, you have everything it takes to be full right now and right here. DONE. 
Then the true reality is that as you grow, you are only finding more of you. You go on forever, because he has never stopped dreaming of all you are. 
You grow from you into you. But you aren’t going from lack into less lack, or some form of incompleteness into fullness. If you believe you can’t be complete until heaven then you are telling yourself that you have to be content in lack. 
ELLO guys, ain’t no child of God supposed to be content believing they are born for lack. I mean really, think on that a moment, and then picture God saying that to you. NOPE, absolutely not!  You desire to be full and complete, because its what you were created for. 
I will grow everyday, I will see change and great things happen in me. But I will always be complete, I will always be full. And I refuse to live a life believing I was born for lack, EVER.  
What you believe you can attain will determine what you settle for. If you believe the lie that lack is as good as it gets, you will never allow yourself to see fullness. 
I’m full and I know it, and everything I do will stem from that. 

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